Managed Dark Fiber
Control the Speed, Quality, and Capacity of Your Private Connections
What is Managed Dark Fiber? 
Managed Dark Fiber represents a rental of optical fibers between two distant locations, backed by 24/7 maintenance of the cable infrastructure. The link terminates on passive fiber termination boxes, allowing you to use your own laser light equipment for data transmission.

This service gives you autonomy over the connection quality and capacity. Moreover, it significantly reduces the risk of data breaches, as the signals do not travel through our active network equipment.

Available in:  MacedoniaSerbiaMontenegroBosniaCroatiaSloveniaBulgaria
Advantages of Interspace Managed Dark Fiber 
Interspace operates its own fiber optic network in Macedonia, spanning around 1500 kilometers. The network includes fiber routes to nearly all cities and border crossings in Macedonia. Within cities, we have the most extensive presence in Skopje, covering all districts.

On a regional level, Interspace operates a network with a total length of around 2000 km, en route Macedonia, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, and Kosovo. Through this network, we connect directly to global providers at their nearest point in the region. The connections are redundant and include multiple geo-independent super-fast DWDM lines, ensuring the lowest latency and highest quality traffic flow.

The core of the network features terabit capacity for switching and throughput. From the core down to each end-point user router, all carrier devices provide certified line-rate non-blocking forwarding, ensuring maximum bandwidth for all frame sizes across all ports simultaneously.

For our cloud and online video platform, Interspace operates an IT infrastructure in various locations across Europe (Germany, Netherlands, France, United Kingdom, Austria, Macedonia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece), North America (USA, Canada) and Asia/Oceania (Australia, Japan, Singapore).
Interspace's fiber network is designed according to all relevant ISO standards and constructed by following strict procedures, ensuring compliance with the highest quality requirements. We hold the highest accreditation for network infrastructure design, the A-grade license, attesting to our capability to design high-grade fiber optic networks.

We have our own teams and equipment for the entire process of constructing, operating and maintaining the network. We employ fusion splicing instead of mechanical splicing of the fibers, ensuring long-term durability and reliability. The link quality is verified through extensive OTDR, RFC 2544 and ITU Y.1564 measurements to guarantee the best transmission.

We conduct continuous 24/7 proactive monitoring on every segment of the infrastructure. At the root level, we reserve two fibers in each cable for measuring the general cable condition. We monitor multiple components, such as power supplies, temperature, and traffic, in every network device, including constant verification of optical power levels at each end-point interface. This allows us to act quickly and flawlessly, ensuring the guaranteed SLA and connection uptime.
Interspace operates in accordance with the highest standards and adheres to strict procedures, regularly validated through certifications as detailed below:

  • ISO 27001: Certification for our system managing information security.
  • ISO 20000-1: Certification attesting to our management processes for the effective delivery of IT services.
  • ISO 22301: Certification for ensuring business continuity in the event of an incident or disaster.
  • ISO 9001: Certification for our quality management system.
  • ISO 14001: Certification attesting to our responsible environmental management system.
  • License A for network design: The highest accreditation for designing high-grade network infrastructure, including data center systems and fiber optic networks.
Featured Clients
Banks, insurance companies, funds and other financial institutions are rapidly transforming into agile and e-communication-friendly enterprises. Interspace's solutions boost this transformation by providing premium-grade connectivity, secure isolated fiber lines between bank branch sites, robust turn-key VPN networks for secure data transmission, dedicated cloud services for critical applications and data storage, and more. This helps them to enhance operational efficiency, improve customer service and comply with regulatory requirements.
Software Development
Effective communication and server infrastructure reduce collaboration time and speed up market delivery for software development companies. Our solutions enhance data flow between globally distributed engineering teams, boosting efficiency. We provide VPN for secure multi-site connectivity, private networks for isolated communication, cloud servers for scalable computing and high-grade internet connectivity. We support leading development companies with global operations in Canada, the USA, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Austria, Germany and other countries worldwide.
Public Sector
Government agencies, municipalities and other organizations in the public sector are required to follow the trends in the era of rapid digital transformation. Interspace's solutions ensure this by providing cloud services with disaster recovery for safeguarding their operations 24/7/365, dedicated fiber connections and robust VPNs for secure and efficient inter-agency communication, high-grade internet, data center colocation, an online video platform for community engagement ,and more.
The manufacturing and industrial sector rely on real-time data and robust communication networks to optimize production processes and ensure operational efficiency. Interspace provides high-capacity, low-latency connections, cloud services for scalable computing, data center colocation for secure data storage and private Ethernet networks that support automation, remote monitoring and data analytics. Our solutions help industrial clients enhance productivity, reduce downtime and maintain competitive edge in a rapidly evolving market.
Trade & Transport
The trade & transport sector depends on efficient communication networks to track shipments, ensure timely deliveries, manage transactions, supply chains and customer interactions. Interspace provides high-speed internet, secure VPNs, cloud services for scalable business applications, dedicated servers for critical workloads and Private Ethernet networks that enable seamless data exchange, online trading and real-time inventory management. Our solutions help trading companies stay competitive, streamline operations and enhance customer experience.
The media industry relies on high-speed, reliable networks to distribute content, collaborate on projects and manage digital assets. Interspace provides an online video platform for broadcasting and video on demand, high-capacity and low-latency connections, cloud services for content distribution to multiple locations in different parts of the world and Private Ethernet lines that support live broadcasting and video production. Our solutions help media companies enhance production quality, streamline workflows and reach more audiences worldwide.
Educational institutions are upgrading their systems to improve learning experiences and streamline administrative processes. Interspace's solutions support these advancements by providing robust cloud services for scalable computing, secure VPNs for safe remote access, high-speed internet for seamless online learning and disaster recovery solutions for secure storage of sensitive information.
Healthcare providers need reliable, high-speed connectivity to support patient care, telemedicine and medical research. Interspace delivers secure, low-latency networks, cloud services for data storage and processing, an online video platform for remote consultations and long-distance Private Ethernet networks that facilitate real-time data exchange, electronic health records management and remote consultations.
The energy sector requires reliable and secure communication networks to manage critical infrastructure and support remote operations. Interspace's solutions offer high-speed, resilient connectivity that enables efficient data transfer between control centers, power plants, and field sites. Our secure VPNs and dedicated fiber lines ensure uninterrupted communication, supporting the operational integrity and security of energy networks.
Diplomatic Missions
Diplomatic missions demand the highest levels of security and reliability for their communication needs. Interspace offers customized solutions that ensure secure, encrypted and uninterrupted data transmission. Our carrier-grade internet, dedicated lines, cloud services for secure data storage and processing and Metro Ethernet networks enable embassies and consulates to maintain confidential communications, access global networks and support their diplomatic activities effectively.
Testimonials for Communication services 
Cosmic Development is a global provider of skills, knowledge, and expertise in the IT industry. We've been partners with Interspace for years now, and they've been nothing short of amazing for us! We have both internal and client facing services running stable with no network hiccups on our Interspace connection. We've recently survived a full office migration and, thanks to Interspace, their team, their pro-activity and their attitude, we've had 0 downtime on our Internet connection.

Their flexibility and response time are definitely a key factor in our relationship. Between our two offices, in two different cities, our Internet connection and services are always running and our employees are always covered. I would highly recommend Interspace to everyone, as I am more than thrilled to be working with them!
Causeway Connect is a multi-disciplinary team providing services in 20 countries, in the range of software development, helpdesk, HR and recruitment, finance and accounting, sales and marketing.

As a company that services 300+ clients worldwide, we are very pleased that Interspace is able to consistently provide reliability and stability of the multiple Internet connections it delivers to us. We're especially impressed by their commitment to excellence and professionalism. The efficiency in service delivery and technical support are also worthy of a special mention, particularly to those looking for best-in-class Internet services.
Nexeon Technologies is a global technology company offering fully managed hosted infrastructure solutions, from personal & business website hosting, to virtual private cloud units.

Interspace dedicated hosting servers are an important part of our cross-continental infrastructure. We are delighted with Interspace's continuous professional support and superb network.
Hi-Tech Corp. is a globally renewed company and the European leader in Printed Circuit Boards technologies. We serve top-level customers such as Continental, Siemens, Bosch and alike. It is of vital importance in our business to use communication technologies with highest reliability and uptime.

Hi-Tech Corp. turned to Interspace for their feature rich technology for high-grade connectivity services. With Interspace's Dedicated Internet Access service, backed by their pro-active technical support, we are able to leverage our advanced applications and tools and communicate with our international partners with ease.
We're a globally recognized TV/video production company with more than 103 international awards. We can state with confidence that Interspace is a highly motivated and responsible telecom provider. Setting up the Internet service was seamless with the help of their dedicated Account Manager, who also provided valuable guidance in choosing the right features for our needs.

Their dedicated and talented personnel is proactively securing the quality of service. The selection of Interspace as the Internet provider was certainly a worthwhile decision for our company.

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