Online Video Platform
Your audience is about to get a lot bigger
What is Online Video Platform? 
An Online Video Platform is a comprehensive solution that allows businesses and individuals to create, manage, and distribute video content through a branded and customized video portal. Our platform enables you to launch a professional video website on your domain with ease, offering features that support streaming TV shows, live events and on-demand video content to a global audience.

Designed with user experience in mind, the platform integrates advanced technology to ensure smooth video playback, regardless of the viewer's location or internet speed. It includes tools for video uploading, categorization and monetization, allowing you to focus on content creation while we handle the technical infrastructure.

At just a fraction of the necessary investment, take the opportunity to boost your company’s reputation and appear professional by having your own independent, enterprise-grade video portal - typically exclusive to major TV networks and mainstream sites like YouTube.

Available for clients in:  All countries
Advantages of Interspace Online Video Platform 
We need just a couple of minutes to create an instance for your video portal. Once set up, you can log in to our control panel to customize it with your brand, logo, style, colors, and more.

Our platform comes with advanced features already integrated, providing your visitors with tools to search videos, view related clips, display statistics, and get shareable links for social networks.

To kick off a Web TV channel, all you need is a video device configured to send a signal to our professional streaming infrastructure. No worries, we'll guide you through the installation to make it easy for you so you can immediately focus on what matters most - creating quality video content.

Go beyond a simple video site. Turn your video assets into revenue. Focus on creating attractive content and growing your visitor count - leave the rest to us. With our control panel, you can easily add and manage ads that will appear on the player screen for your global audience.

You’re not bound by third-party rules and policies. This gives you full control over your content ownership and the revenue you aim to generate
Our platform boasts an advanced engine built to ensure unparalleled streaming performance. The infrastructure includes a cross-continental network of servers, designed with automatic replication and the lowest latency response based on visitors' geo-location.

Your account will use dedicated bandwidth and streaming resources to ensure your videos reach your audience in the highest quality, no matter where they watch. Special care is taken to enable an error-free video playing experience across all desktop and smartphone systems.

Your video clips are automatically re-encoded in the background in multiple resolutions and bitrates, ensuring an exceptional viewing experience regardless of the Internet connection quality. Optionally, you can protect your content with a built-in automatic firewall that allows playing your videos only through your site.
Interspace is a first-class telecom provider that operates its own local and regional fiber optic infrastructure and an autonomous system within the global BGP network.

Interspace has direct connections to the world's leading tier 1 global providers and strategic regional and local peerings, ensuring we deliver the highest-grade Internet to professional businesses and service providers, and for our cloud and hosting platform.

Our network is passionately engineered to ensure the highest quality connections from/to any destination worldwide, boasting unmatched transfer speeds and multi-tier redundancy. Read more
Interspace operates in accordance with the highest standards and adheres to strict procedures, regularly validated through certifications as detailed below:

  • ISO 27001: Certification for our system managing information security.
  • ISO 20000-1: Certification attesting to our management processes for the effective delivery of IT services.
  • ISO 22301: Certification for ensuring business continuity in the event of an incident or disaster.
  • ISO 9001: Certification for our quality management system.
  • ISO 14001: Certification attesting to our responsible environmental management system.
  • License A for network design: The highest accreditation for designing high-grade network infrastructure, including data center systems and fiber optic networks.
Sample Video Portal
Featured Clients
Banks, insurance companies, funds and other financial institutions are rapidly transforming into agile and e-communication-friendly enterprises. Interspace's solutions boost this transformation by providing premium-grade connectivity, secure isolated fiber lines between bank branch sites, robust turn-key VPN networks for secure data transmission, dedicated cloud services for critical applications and data storage, and more. This helps them to enhance operational efficiency, improve customer service and comply with regulatory requirements.
Software Development
Effective communication and server infrastructure reduce collaboration time and speed up market delivery for software development companies. Our solutions enhance data flow between globally distributed engineering teams, boosting efficiency. We provide VPN for secure multi-site connectivity, private networks for isolated communication, cloud servers for scalable computing and high-grade internet connectivity. We support leading development companies with global operations in Canada, the USA, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Austria, Germany and other countries worldwide.
Public Sector
Government agencies, municipalities and other organizations in the public sector are required to follow the trends in the era of rapid digital transformation. Interspace's solutions ensure this by providing cloud services with disaster recovery for safeguarding their operations 24/7/365, dedicated fiber connections and robust VPNs for secure and efficient inter-agency communication, high-grade internet, data center colocation, an online video platform for community engagement ,and more.
The manufacturing and industrial sector rely on real-time data and robust communication networks to optimize production processes and ensure operational efficiency. Interspace provides high-capacity, low-latency connections, cloud services for scalable computing, data center colocation for secure data storage and private Ethernet networks that support automation, remote monitoring and data analytics. Our solutions help industrial clients enhance productivity, reduce downtime and maintain competitive edge in a rapidly evolving market.
Trade & Transport
The trade & transport sector depends on efficient communication networks to track shipments, ensure timely deliveries, manage transactions, supply chains and customer interactions. Interspace provides high-speed internet, secure VPNs, cloud services for scalable business applications, dedicated servers for critical workloads and Private Ethernet networks that enable seamless data exchange, online trading and real-time inventory management. Our solutions help trading companies stay competitive, streamline operations and enhance customer experience.
The media industry relies on high-speed, reliable networks to distribute content, collaborate on projects and manage digital assets. Interspace provides an online video platform for broadcasting and video on demand, high-capacity and low-latency connections, cloud services for content distribution to multiple locations in different parts of the world and Private Ethernet lines that support live broadcasting and video production. Our solutions help media companies enhance production quality, streamline workflows and reach more audiences worldwide.
Educational institutions are upgrading their systems to improve learning experiences and streamline administrative processes. Interspace's solutions support these advancements by providing robust cloud services for scalable computing, secure VPNs for safe remote access, high-speed internet for seamless online learning and disaster recovery solutions for secure storage of sensitive information.
Healthcare providers need reliable, high-speed connectivity to support patient care, telemedicine and medical research. Interspace delivers secure, low-latency networks, cloud services for data storage and processing, an online video platform for remote consultations and long-distance Private Ethernet networks that facilitate real-time data exchange, electronic health records management and remote consultations.
The energy sector requires reliable and secure communication networks to manage critical infrastructure and support remote operations. Interspace's solutions offer high-speed, resilient connectivity that enables efficient data transfer between control centers, power plants, and field sites. Our secure VPNs and dedicated fiber lines ensure uninterrupted communication, supporting the operational integrity and security of energy networks.
Diplomatic Missions
Diplomatic missions demand the highest levels of security and reliability for their communication needs. Interspace offers customized solutions that ensure secure, encrypted and uninterrupted data transmission. Our carrier-grade internet, dedicated lines, cloud services for secure data storage and processing and Metro Ethernet networks enable embassies and consulates to maintain confidential communications, access global networks and support their diplomatic activities effectively.

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